Monday, August 31, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

"I learnt an enormous amount from Cohen"

I learnt an enormous amount from Cohen and found him to be an excellent teacher always finding a balance between practical and theory. My limited skills definitely improved under his tutoring!

Kind Regards


Thursday, August 27, 2009

"I attended my first lesson today with Cohen at Lane Cove which went very well."

I attended my first lesson today with Cohen at Lane Cove which went very well.

Thanking you
Michelle O'brien

Monday, August 24, 2009

an extremely satisfied student

My name is Jay and I am a student of Diego for the past 2 weeks, the purpose of my e-mail is to inform you that my experiences so far have been enjoyable; Diego’s obvious love for guitar is reflected by his teaching methods, the lessons were stimulating, fun and most importantly structured. I would highly recommend Diego to any other students and I look forward to my future lessons with him.


Jay (an extremely satisfied student)

Visit G4GUITAR at

an extremely satisfied student

My name is Jay and I am a student of Diego for the past 2 weeks, the purpose of my e-mail is to inform you that my experiences so far have been enjoyable; Diego’s obvious love for guitar is reflected by his teaching methods, the lessons were stimulating, fun and most importantly structured. I would highly recommend Diego to any other students and I look forward to my future lessons with him.


Jay (an extremely satisfied student)

Monday, August 10, 2009

"thanks for the tutorial luv it"

AmmarahTariq has made a comment on Simpsons Theme Guitar Lessons G4 Guitar:

thanks for the tutorial luv it- can you do this as a private